So yesterday the post was about how your Values determine whether you will succeed with your goals and resolutions. But they influence much more than that. Did you do the exercise and write yours down? If you have ever had inner conflict with anything, this is due to not being in alignment with your values and beliefs. I’ll use myself as an example. When I thought about my values and the hierarchy, my top 2 were Freedom and Growth, in that order. For me, this means I place huge emphasis on being in charge of my future and destiny. I… read more →
Coming to the end of this mini series on goal and resolution setting. This one won’t seem so obvious but it is probably THE biggy when it comes to reasons for failing to stick with your goals. Values. Values are those things that we strongly believe in, like Honesty, Love, being Respectful, etc. Most people don’t really think about these are they are ingrained in us but if you set a goal that goes against your values, you’re on a hiding to nothing. We have a hierarchy for our values and anything we do MUST adhere to our values. For… read more →
Day 4 looking at your new years resolutions. When working with Personal Training clients, a common issue I come up against is outside pressure. Not towards me but towards the client from peers or family. Yep, often friends become jealous of someone close to them changing and doing something positive for themselves. I’ve even had cases where a husband or wife didn’t like the fact their spouse was changing, even when it meant they would be healthier and/or fitter. Maybe you train in a group and decide to work to a goal that requires a different approach. Members of your… read more →