I was working on a client last week in order to get their breathing pattern working efficiently when they asked a question. “If your nose and mouth canals are so close and you can breathe through both, why is it so important to breathe through your nose?” I knew some of the reasons were so the air is warmed up and also filtered by going through the nose, but I couldn’t remember the other, more important reasons. Therefore, I thought it was time to write a post up on just that subject. Many clients that come to me will know… read more →
Going to continue this little series about the main 2 types of injury as knowing about these will make things much clearer for you. As I explain to the majority of clients, there are two main causes/types of injury. The first is a direct impact or trauma – you drop something on your foot, something or someone hits you as in a tackle during sport or being hit by a car. When this happens, you generally know that where you were impacted or where the trauma occured, is the problem. The secone cause/type is a compensation injury. This is generally… read more →